Absolut Elyx Single Estate Vodka 750ml
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Absolut Elyx is a true luxury vodka, built on the principles of quality, integrity and craftsmanship, distilled in a manually operated vintage copper still from 1921. The result is an award winning vodka with a rich and smooth mouth feel. We call it liquid silk. Perfect for your martinis or even on the rocks.
Single Estate
Every drop of Absolut Elyx is made from winter wheat grown on one single estate in southern Sweden. The Råbelöf estate has been cultivating its wheat since the 1400’s. The region has the ideal climate for producing winter wheat, with dry, cold winters and long, warm summers.
Copper Crafted
Absolut Elyx is made using a vintage copper column still from 1921. Thousands of copper packets are used sacrificially, removing unwanted compounds and contributing to a rich final product. The skill and experience of manually operated distillation produces a luxury vodka with unparalleled character and flavor.
Luxury Vodka
Absolut Elyx embodies a new sense of luxury while redefining the vodka category. What makes us a luxury vodka is not just the quality of our product, but our cultural identity.